What was something small you went to the doctor for that turned out to be very significant?


January 11, 2024 I was 38 weeks pregnant with my daughter. I woke up around 1 in the morning in an excruciating pain that I ended up believing was labor. I decided to head to the hospital where my Dr was located, coincidentally, I also had a Dr’s appointment that morning so I figured if I wasn’t in

labor, he would just check on me and take it from there. I got into the emergency room and taken up to the labor and delivery floor. They hooked me up to the fetal heartbeat and contraction machine but something about their actions seemed off. They called for the ultrasound tech and she came in and started doing the ultrasound, still Noone had told me anything. Finally she looked at me and said she was done and that my Dr would be in shortly. Once he came in, something felt extremely wrong, so I flat out asked him “What’s wrong?” He looked at me and said “I’m here to tell you guys the worst news I could possibly tell anyone..the baby has no heartbeat!” I was devastated! I ended up having gestational diabetes which I whole heartedly believe killed my baby.

I had complained to him so many times with the symptoms i had been having for the 2 weeks prior to this and he assured me she and I were both fine. But yet here we were. I went to the hospital thinking I was in labor but I was actually in so much pain bc I had lost my baby 3 days prior and my body was trying to pass her. They Jumpstarted my labor and gave me some pain meds and tried for hours to make me push her out but she was 9 and a half pounds and deceased and it wasn’t working.

I ended up having a c section one January 12th and at 1:12 am my precious girl was born sleeping. On top of all that, my dr had cut me during my c section, not once but twice, and sewed me back up. 16 hours later i started not being able to breathe and ended up bleeding out and going into cardiac arrest and dying several times. They couldnt find where i was bleeding from and couldnt get it to stop and i was placed on life support and my family was told i wasnt going to make it. Thank god the right surgeon happened to come to work the next morning and found my bleed and saved my life. I ended up having to have an emergency hysterectomy and went through several other medical issues. i spent months recovering physically and I am still trying to recover emotionally one year later.