What is the saddest thing that happened to you that you never shared with others before?


I have shared this before, but I will again and perhaps be a little more elaborate. I went to prison for killing a guy who abused my 14-year-old brother. I did 29 years and then I finally received a release date. I told my brother and he was ecstatic. I still hear his voice as he said “I can’t believe it! I will talk to my boss about hiring you!” Slow down little brother, I still have 16 months to do. lol!

Anyway, 8 months before my release, I got called to the Captain’s office. It was full of guards and white shirts. I was alarmed that there were that many. After several minutes of trying to get me to sit down, I did but only after they did. I was told to make a call. No answer. They then told me my brother had passed. I did not believe them. I called again and his wife told me. I was devastated. They asked if I wanted to talk to a pastor or go to a single man cell in the hole to be alone. No, I did not. I went to the lower yard and found a place where no one was at and cried. That was my saddest moment.

My brother.