On my way home this afternoon, I spotted an older white woman


On my way home this afternoon, I spotted an older white woman lying flat on the sidewalk at the corner of Peoria and 49th Street, while a young Asian woman was trying to talk to her.

I quickly made a U-turn and parked in the Burger Street lot just as another car pulled in. I hopped out of my car at the same time as a young Black man.

We both checked on her and saw that she had fallen backward while using a walker, hitting her head on the concrete.

I said I would call 911, and the young Black man went to his car to grab a soft jacket, gently placing it under her head to protect her from the scorching sidewalk (it was 100 degrees today). Soon, more good folks showed up.

A young white woman grabbed an umbrella from her car to shield the woman’s face from the sun, while another brought towels to place under her bare arms.

A young Hispanic employee from Burger Street came out with a bucket of cool water and a rag for her forehead.

Together—Black, white, Asian, and Hispanic—we all worked to help an older white woman who had fallen. This is the America I believe in and love: one filled with compassion, kindness, and love, no matter the race, age, or gender.