You think the woman in the pic below is classless?
How ever did you manage to come to that conclusion? Her husband went to the inauguration of DT because he is a former President and, like it or not, that is the customary and expected thing to do, whether or not he actually likes the man — which I strongly suspect is not in the affirmative.
Michelle was not expected to attend. Even If Melania didn’t attend her husband’s inauguration, I wouldn’t have said two words about it. Why? Because she’s done stuff like that before, she’s skipped appearances, and that’s fine, she’s not the President or an Ex-President.
Michelle does not like DT. More to the fact, she does not like how Trump created birtherism and put her entire family in danger. #45 and #47 told an outright and outrageous lie to turn a very ugly part of America against not only voting for her husband, but turned them against letting him live his life as a free man in a free country. There’s only so many times she was going to allow her children, the most important part of all of this, to be harassed and dogged out. I don’t have kids, but I can say for certain this: messing with me is one thing, messing with my family (kids especially) is not what you want to do.
She has been called a man and has been ridiculed for wearing sleeveless dresses by some very ignorant folks. Yes, some people have said that she showed too much skin and that it was not “lady-like” of her to wear a dress like that. When Jackie Kennedy wore the same kind of dress, and much more often, in a much more conservative time period in America, and got zero/zilch/nada flack for it, what am I or anyone else to make of that?
Classless? You still have me stumped. What makes a woman not co-signing on behalf of the new president that word? She kept her mouth shut while her husband was in office because she didn’t want to bring any further scrutiny his way, now that he’s been out of the WH for as long as he was in, she’s saying and doing what’s on her mind…