In 2006, a man in Portland, Oregon hired a hitman to kill his 51-year-old wife, Susan Kuhnhausen. She ended up killing the hitman with her bare hands.
Susan Kuhnhausen was a trauma nurse who had 30 years of experience wrestling uncooperative patients . The hitman only said two words throughout the attack , “ You`re strong ! “
She wrestled him to the ground and attempted to flee after strangling him to near unconsciousness , when he got up and continued pursuing her she made the decision to kill him .
I immediately began to think about his family . Everyone has somebody who loves them . Children , a wife , a mother , a dad … the worst of this is not that somebody tried to kill me , but that l had to kill someone else to survive . But l have no shame because l did not choose this death for him . l chose my life . I chose life