Generally, not that much.
The thing is, most billionaire’s are extremely busy people. That’s the reason they are billionaires. They like doing business and working on their projects. Their ego and identity is tied to them being respected and making an impact in the world.
Which is why dudes like Elon looked like they hadn’t seen the sun in years (yet still had a super model walking around with them).
The curse of wealth and power is that it often becomes an all-consuming thing in and of itself.
There were two super yachts in this dock near my house. They were each worth more than $10 million and they never seemed to leave the dock.
Occasionally, someone threw a party on the yacht on New Years—but I’m not even convinced it was the owner.
Part of me is convinced that half the super yachts in the world are just used to store shadey money for business overlords from around the world.
As one collects many giant toys, those toys gradually get less and less attention.
It’s funny how adding a half dozen zeroes to your net worth suddenly brings in a new caliber of women.
Look at her. Every atom in her body is focused on Elon.
We need to start a fantasy league on when baby number 11 arrives.