How can I be smart and mysterious?
(1) Speak less and listen more. (2) Never argue with fools, especially on subjects like religion, politics, and on controversies. ...
I was running on my usual route when I heard an older man
I was running on my usual route when I heard an older man yelling so loudly that I could hear ...
MY 5-YEAR-OLD MADE AN ENTIRE RESTAURANT CRY WITH ONE SIMPLE ACT We were sitting at Waffle House, just me and ...
Has an actor or actress ever walked off of a set because of how disgusted they were about a scene they were asked to do?
The production of James Cameron’s 1989 underwater epic The Abyss was notoriously grueling for its cast. They were subjected to 12-to-15-hour workdays, ...

Do actors ever get themselves into a role they cannot back out of, as the filming turns horribly amateur, ensuring the fact that the film will suck?
Boy oh boy, let me tell you two stories about actors and bad contracts. The first is about The Italian Job (2003), ...

What movie fight scene stands out above anything that you have seen before or after?
Road House, starring Patrick Swayze, Sam Elliott and Kelly Lynch, has the fight scenes that stand out above the others ...

This picture shows Irish actor Pierce Brosnan
This picture shows Irish actor Pierce Brosnan and his wife when they first got married, with her being 20 years ...

When I was a little girl
When I was a little girl, I remember that when my dad was repairing something, he asked me every time ...

While waiting in a checkout line today
While waiting in a checkout line today, a young girl, approximately six years old, pointed at me and inquired of ...

On Sep 13, 1944, a princess from India
On Sep 13, 1944, a princess from India lay dead at Dachau concentration camp. She had been tortured by the ...