
I met somebody and he’s got blue eyes

I met somebody and he’s got blue eyes, He opens the door and he don’t make me cry He ain’t ...

A girl has a medical port that she can’t take out by herself

A girl has a medical port that she can’t take out by herself. Only a surgeon can take it out ...

In 1996, an unidentified 3-year-old boy

In 1996, an unidentified 3-year-old boy escaped from his mother, climbed over a fence and fell into the gorilla enclosure. ...

Two weeks ago, my girlfriend was performing surgery on a patient when something strange happened

Two weeks ago, my girlfriend was performing surgery on a patient when something strange happened. A nurse suddenly walked into ...

What is the best thing you came across on the internet today?

Few moments back,I was scrolling through my Instagram feed and I came to see this post. Thought of sharing it ...

What was something small you went to the doctor for that turned out to be very significant?

January 11, 2024 I was 38 weeks pregnant with my daughter. I woke up around 1 in the morning in ...

What is the saddest thing that happened to you that you never shared with others before?

I have shared this before, but I will again and perhaps be a little more elaborate. I went to prison ...

Michelle Obama is showing her true classless self. Doesn’t she realize what an embarrassment she really is?

You think the woman in the pic below is classless? How ever did you manage to come to that conclusion? ...

Have you ever met a doctor who is a Republican?

Almost certainly. I get that, among modern liberals (especially young, urban liberals), the stereotype of Republicans looks something like this: ...

If You Find a Man Like This, Never Let Him Go

If you love posts like this, don’t forget to follow and upvote! I just created a guide on 100 Relationship ...