This is my friend’s 17 year old nephew, Tanner. Yesterday he was enjoying a day
This is my friend’s 17 year old nephew, Tanner. Yesterday he was enjoying a day at Scissortail Park with his ...
On my way home this afternoon, I spotted an older white woman
On my way home this afternoon, I spotted an older white woman lying flat on the sidewalk at the corner ...
I was hanging out at my go-to Dunkin’ Donuts in a gas station, waiting for my daily coffee
I was hanging out at my go-to Dunkin’ Donuts in a gas station, waiting for my daily coffee, when I ...
This is my sister Shelly. A year ago, she was diagnosed with breast
This is my sister Shelly. A year ago, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to have a mastectomy. ...
There was a dent in the door of a Toyota Corolla. Its owner never had
There was a dent in the door of a Toyota Corolla. Its owner never had the dented door repaired. When ...
Is there a photo that depicts the lowest point in your life?
Is there a photo that depicts the lowest point in your life? Me and my daughter. I — 22 years ...
It wasn’t when the patient first spoke
It wasn’t when the patient first spoke — he was in a lot of pain when he came into the ...
Two years ago, my girlfriend Freya, who’s a urologist
Two years ago, my girlfriend Freya, who’s a urologist, came home and shared a story with me that was shocking, ...
My birth control failed and i got pregnant at 18 I got a positive test at 13 weeks
My birth control failed and i got pregnant at 18. I got a positive test at 13 weeks and my ...
Barbara Sinatra: “We were at a dinner party one night
Barbara Sinatra: “We were at a dinner party one night with Bennett Cerf and Betty Bacall when Frank wandered into ...