I hate to break the bad news, but Sam passed away naturally at 18 years old two days ago. He went downhill quickly (less than 10 hours) due to a pericardial effusion. He was just playing with his ball two days before. We stopped at the dog park on the way to the vet for one last cheeseburger. He wouldn’t eat it. When I looked into his eyes, I knew I couldn’t give up on him if there’s something I could’ve done for him.
I opted to not put him down, but to drain the effusion to buy us a couple of days to do some testing. No sooner was I signing the credit card payment, when the ER vet came running out and told me he was passing (they completed the procedure, which is supposed to feel relieving, but his body couldn’t handle it). I think the way he went was perfect. He didn’t have much suffering and he fought til the very end. I did, however opt for DNR because why resuscitate him for it to happen all over again? I feel like we both got the closure we needed. I’ll miss him very much but I’m so glad we both went out fighting and loving each other.
Credit goes to respective owner.