Thankfully, no. Even though many people didn’t support my marriage

Thankfully, no. Even though many people didn’t support my marriage, I have no regrets. I met my husband when I was 16, and he was 23. He proposed when I was 18, but my father asked me to wait until I was at least 20 to get married. So, we tied the knot two years later.

My husband’s father didn’t approve, and my friends said I was throwing away my youth and would regret it. But they were wrong. From the day we got married, I have felt loved and have loved him deeply. We’ve had 3 kids, several dogs, and a beautiful life together.

I graduated a year after our wedding, and we both went on to study for our Master’s degrees at the University of Texas at Austin with the help of scholarships. Later, I earned another Master’s degree and built a successful career, but I always made sure to spend my afternoons with my kids and my evenings with my husband. He loves going out to eat, watching movies, and just spending time together.

For me, marriage was the best decision of my life. After 20 wonderful years, I can only hope for 20 more!

This is me when I was 17: