A girl has a medical port that she can’t take out by herself


A girl has a medical port that she can’t take out by herself. Only a surgeon can take it out for her. She wears clothes in public where people can see her medical port. Would it be rude for me to tell her to cover it up?

Yes. Extremely rude. Beyond rude.

Here, this is mine:

Oh no! I’m so thin you can see it clearly even without stuff on it!


This is my daily reality if my port is in use.

I don’t know and don’t care which situation this person that annoys you by merely existing has. The principle is the same either way.

But I can promise you that ports aren’t put in because it’s fun. They’re put in because they’re better than not having them. Wearing a shirt low enough to enable easier access the port means I don’t have to change, even in hospital. I prefer to wear my own clothes if I’m not in the OR, and am in my own hospital room. Because that’s more comfortable in an uncomfortable situation. The same is true of any outpatient procedure that requires just that I step in for a few hours.

My comfort and dignity mean a lot more to me than your eyes.